Affordable Housing Explained
What is affordable housing and how do I qualify?
Affordable housing refers to dwelling units, usually rental housing, in which total housing costs are deemed affordable to those who have a predetermined median income. Housing that does not exceed 30% of a household’s gross income is the most commonly accepted guideline for housing affordability. To view affordable housing regional income limits in New Jersey for 2011, click here. For more information about affordable housing, contact the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
What is the DCA?
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) provides administrative guidance, financial support and technical assistance to local governments, community development organizations, businesses and individuals to improve the quality of life in New Jersey. One of the DCA’s functions is to establish and monitor municipal affordable housing obligations. The Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) held these responsibilities until August 2011, when COAH was eliminated and its functions, powers, duties and personnel were transferred to the Department of Community Affairs.
What is the Mount Laurel Doctrine?
A series of New Jersey Supreme Court cases known as the “Mount Laurel Decisions” established that municipalities were constitutionally mandated to provide low and moderate income housing. From these decisions came the Mount Laurel Doctrine, which requires that municipalities use their zoning powers in an affirmative manner to provide a realistic opportunity for the production of housing affordable to low and moderate income households. In other words, the Mount Laurel Doctrine prohibits economic discrimination against the poor by the state and municipalities in the exercise of their land use powers.
Does Garden Communities offer affordable housing rental homes?
Yes! Garden Communities is proud to assist low and moderate income families by offering affordable housing communities in cities throughout New Jersey, including:
Some of our communities have a limited number of apartments that are rented at reduced rates for income qualified households. The rents and income levels vary from community to community and are periodically adjusted.
View all affordable housing apartment rentals.